Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.
Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.
Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.
Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.
Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.
Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.
Without Shepherds, directed by Cary McClelland and Imran Babur. Pakistan, 2013. Produced by Cary McClelland, Billy Smith, Robert Profusek, and Ryan Silbert. 89 minutes, educational DVD distributed by Bullfrog Films.